Plastic research and material knowledge developed into the design and creation of original and unique pieces of furniture. There, the specific use of a single piece and the architectural context are the source of inspiration.
The materials used are wooden, metal, marble. 

Plan the work – Work the plan. Moulding a table or a chair, a lemon squeezer or a nut cracker, or a sculpture, I am used to keeping to a rigorous plan, since creating valuable work can only come from planning. Putting an idea into practice involves intuition and choices out of awareness and organization. 

The main objective of the artist and designer is to plan and create works which last long time, and may be accessible to anyone, without any physical or cultural limitation.

Design for All I consider design as organized and refined communication addressed to single users with specific characteristics, since the user is never a standard user. As defined in the most updated studies, the idea of Design For All is for human diversity, social inclusion and equality. (Statement of Stockholm, 2004)portfolio.htmlportfolio.htmlhttp://www.designforalleurope.orgshapeimage_10_link_0shapeimage_10_link_1shapeimage_10_link_2